Dive summary:
- The Bertschi School in Seattle, Wash., had been LEED Gold certified from its beginning, so it took on the Living Building Challenge when it decided to add 3,380 square feet for its science wing; as a result, Bertschi received the world's fourth Living Building certification.
- For the Living Building Challenge, administered by the International Living Future Institute, "projects must meet a series of ambitious performance requirements, including net zero energy, waste and water, over a minimum of 12 months of continuous occupancy"
- At Bertschi, solar provides all the electricity, rainwater irrigates gardens and supplies composting toilets, a living wall inside treats gray water, and the wing has a green roof, vegetable garden and native plant garden; Bertschi
From the article:
Head of the school Brigitte Bertschi notes, “We are not simply teaching about how to responsibly manage resources. The Science Wing allows students to put our curriculum to authentic use.” ...