- The federal appeals court in a case involving a Louisiana contractor decided that there was not enough sexual language in the evidence to sustain a jury's finding of same-sex harassment of a worker by a supervisor, but the jury had said "yes" and awarded compensatory and punitive damages.
- The judges did not have kind words about the atmosphere of construction sites: There was "plenty of evidence that [the employer's superintendent] is a world-class trash talker and the master of vulgarity in an environment where these characteristics abound."
- The defendant, Boh Brothers Construction Co., already had taken steps to do some training and lay down the law to workers, wise steps on its part, before the appeals decision came down.
From the article:
We all have preconceptions about the language you might find on the construction project. However, it is not every day that you read a court opinion and you find the following language: "...nor is it the business of the federal courts generally to clean up the language and conduct of construction sites." ...