Dive summary:
- Washington post-election is mostly the same players, but the construction industry is hoping that will not prevent Congress and the president from addressing issues facing it.
- Legislative initiatives include infrastructure spending that has been on the downturn and regulatory and labor matters.
- First on the list of industry representatives is the so-called fiscal cliff – the spending cuts and higher taxes that were supposed to be threats to force Congress and the White House to reach fiscal agreements in order to avoid the penalties but that did not work and became the law instead. The cuts will affect government spending on numerous kinds of construction projects.
From the article:
After an estimated $6 billion in spending and months of fierce campaigning, the results of the Nov. 6 federal elections leave things about where they were: President Obama won a second term, Democrats increased their Senate majority by a couple of seats and Republicans’ control of the House remained nearly as strong as it was. ...